About Me

Instead of listing my age, because each day it changes i will give you the year I was born. 1961. I am posting some thoughts on life, priorities, joys, sadnesses, and some creativity. Maybe someone else can find help in what I share

Thursday, May 3, 2012

thoughts on weight

I read an article recently that discussed weight from a physiological perspective. I won't get into all the details, I am going to paraphrase it. If your body is used to eating a certain way, and you all of a sudden change either by reducing carbs drastically or cutting calories, your body says "hey what are you doing?"

Your body truly is confused at this point, because you have changed your normal eating. Many people want to see a change within the first week or so, because they have changed so drastically. but your body takes some time to adapt to your new style of eating. At first it will slow down because it thinks you are starving it, then it thinks "hmmm" maybe this is OK, and it starts to adjust and the weight will slowly start to come off. Don't be surprised if the first couple weeks nothing happens. Sometimes your body will actually store fat because it thinks it isn't getting enough, and you could actually put on a pound or two. stick with it. Don't give up

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Step One

I have lost weight two ways. Previously I lost weight without exercise.And, as I have already stated, I lost about 80 pounds and kept it off. Currently I am losing weight with exercise. I am down about 25-30 pounds and it has taken about 4 months. The choice is yours. But it has to be a committed choice. If you are truly not going to exercise then you have GOT to watch what goes in your mouth. If you are going to exercise you have some flexibility, but you have GOT to exercise regularly.

Most people would prefer not to exercise, given the option. That is generally what has led to a weight gain to begin with. Lack of exercise and probably a bunch of emotional issues, but I am not going into a long list of reasons to gain weight, here. I am covering how to lose it! As time goes by, exercise has become harder and harder. And the results are slow to see.  So we will start with the change in habits that does not require exercise, first. 

I had to have some surgery done and my wonderful, sweet doctor looked at me and said "... you will recover much better if you lose some weight first. Cut your carbohydrates..." So here we go with my first approach
There is no miracle work going on here. There are a bunch of scientific, medical, blah blah blah.. but bottom line is if you want to lose weight healthily and keep it off and not exercise then you have GOT to cut your carbohydrates. I am not saying you have to start some specific "Atkins" type diet plan. There are no "plans" associated with my approach.

I had a dietician who worked in the office where I worked and she would come in at lunch and tell me i could eat this, I couldn't eat that! I bought a "Carbohydrate Bible" and started cutting my "carbs". 
Now, you CAN NOT cheat in this lifestyle change, but you also don't go hungry.
Today's step is this:
First and foremost start looking at nutrition labels. This will take some work and some getting used to. But you have to know what you are eating and what it is made of. You are going to limit your carbs to 60-75 grams per day. That means basically no potatoes, bread, rice or pasta. It is easier just to go cold turkey here. Find other foods you like that will fit your carb requirements. If you cut these main items out right off the bat, you will open your options up tremendously.

So take a day or two and look very closely at EVERYTHING you eat. 

Again, you have to be committed to this change. If your day consists of sweets, breads, potatoes, and such, it is a hard change and you need to be sure you have a VERY good reason for this. Dig DEEP inside and look at yourself and see what is important, find that important item and keep it in the front of your mind at all times! it will be your strength when you want to cheat, it will be your reward when you succeed.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Let's get Started

Have you wanted to lose weight, tried all the gimmicks and still nothing is happening? 
this blog is designed to help.
I will give a brief background. 
I have never been thin, skinny, slender, svelte... any of these items. 
Chunky, built for comfort not for speed, heavyset, pleasingly plump, these items have always fit.
After 12 years in a miserable marriage and facing a divorce, I looked at myself and thought "Wow, who in their right mind would want to date you?' And that was the beginning....
Over the next year or so, I lost 80 pounds, give or take a few. And i kept it off for 7 years
This BLOG is designed to tell my story and maybe it can help you, my husband says I need to write a book, so this is as close as I will get for now.